Like/Dislike feature

Every Tree News subscriber has the possibility to like or dislike news.

This feature is directly setup on the website

This feature allow user to upvote a piece of news which is important in their eyes, first upvote will ping all user on discord then if it gets enough votes the news will be pushed on

Please do not abuse this feature as misuse may result in the loss of privileges. Only upvote if you are confident and in good faith.

Use "_id" from response and your "API key" to interact with :

  • GET /api/mylikes?api_key=apiKey ( get your likes/dislikes history )

  • POST /api/like?id=newsId&api_key=apiKey ( used to create like button )

  • POST /api/dislike?id=newsId&api_key=apiKey ( used to create dislike button )

  • POST /api/unlike?id=newsId&api_key=apiKey ( remove your like/dislike )

  • WS /ws/likes ( stream likes/dislikes to update your terminal UI )

Last updated